Wednesday, September 26, 2007


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Everyone has or will experience bad things…

Everybody I know has suffered a tragedy in one form or another.

It usually comes from either

1. Emotional

2. Physical

3. Relational

The problem is that any one of these problems will usually pour into the other two.

When Bad things Do Happen

How do I help?

- sit knee to knee and eye to eye with your friend.

What do I say?

- you’ve got to learn some listening skills

o don’t jump to “band-aid” tips for their issues

- Don’t feel like you have to give an answer

o just be praying for them and asking for wisdom and the right words to say.

Your friend needs two things

1. To share their feelings

2. To not feel alone.

Reading Headlines VS. Scripture….

- God will make is right

Handling Our Own Pain

Self abuse and suicide.

Australia.. suicide outnumbers murder across the entire continent.

Do Christians have less problems than others?

- Honestly, no.

The more we get to know God and developing our sense of personal faith the more we discover that He himself was not immune from difficulties and tragedy and the greatest obstacles to connecting like that are the obstacles in life.

Someone dies, an accident happens, somebody gets sick, something doesn’t work out the way we had hoped for, there’s a sense of failure in some area.

And for many people it just builds this barrier between them and God… like “God if you’re so great then why is all this stuff happening to me?”

And what they fail to see is that God was so great that He came into this culture He came into this world and when He did not so great things happened to Him too. But by Him doing this He made it possible for us to know Him in a personal relationship.

God hasn’t asked us to do anything that He hasn’t done.

He suffered the loss of His own son.

The son of God hasn’t asked to go into any places that he hasn’t already been. He’s been through difficulty and through failure.

And so the thing for us is not have an isolated insolated life that knows no pain. It’s to discover the world’s broken.

And until Jesus comes and restores things the world’s always going to be that way.

But He does promise that He’ll be right there with us.

God has never promised me that He’s going to save me from difficulty

In fact the opposite.

“Tom, in the world, you’re going to have tribulation, but have no fear I have overcome the world”

I’ve had my share of pain

- loneliness

- buried a parent

- deep depression

- parental divorce

- other major struggles have come into the inner circles of our families

God has never said “I’m going to protect you because you’re a pastor or because you’re doing this for me”

He has said “I’m going to be with you through it all”

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pause "Time Bandits"

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After Worship we unveiled our new logo!
(origins Ben Stuart)

Tonight we worked around the idea of how our God is a God of order.
Sometimes we don't really seem to align ourselves in His was of things though.
We don't plan we don't permit, and we usually don't pursue His ways efficiently to say the least.

Here are some excerpts from the night.

George McDonald “Ordering Your Private World”

In it he lists the symptoms of disorganization.

1. When I look at the condition of my car and it’s dirty on the inside and I’m completely off on my maintenance schedule.

2. Diminution of Self-Esteem. I get a low grade paranoia that people are gonna think I’m unorganized.

3. I get a series of forgotten appointments or deadlines in my life. And in many conversations I find myself giving lame excuses as to why I haven’t done something yet.

4. I invest my energy in unproductive tasks just so I feel like I’ve gotten something done. (That’s such a big thing, how am I gonna get to that?... my bathroom’s kind of dirty though… I can do that…I haven’t seen the floor all year.)

5. I start to feel poorly about my work. I don’t feel good about what I’ve done when I do turn something in.

6. I rarely enjoy my intimacy with God. And when I do get alone with I feel rushed or guilty.

7. The quality of my personal relationships seems to diminish. (How you doin? And I’m done)

But tonight I want to walk through

1. How the Bible sees it

2. What God thinks about order

3. How to put it into our lives.

1. The bible praises order, consistency, and discipline. It praises it.

a. You see it in the their very character of God himself.

b. You see it in His creation… He is purposeful and He is orderly.

c. In Christianity, you see an order to it. For 6 days He creates and on the 7th He rests.

d. Proverbs 3:19 NAS 19 The LORD by wisdom founded the earth;
by understanding He established the heavens.

You see it in His community

- Twelve Men to make 12 tribes

o Gives them different Jobs

- He says “You are to work 6 days and the 7th you are to rest”

You see it in the lives of the people we’re supposed to model ourselves after.

You never see Jesus freaking out.

He never turned to His disciples and said “And Jesus turneth unto His disciples and sayeth “dude what time is it? NOOO!!! DUDE WE GOT TO GO!

Rather you see Him pursue with a purpose.

When he spoke at Capernaum the people said “hey you should hang out with us and chill for a couple of days” and he said “no, my purpose is to come to and to preach to other cities.”

When it came to distractions there were some that He was willing to partake in

- A hurting woman

- A deaf man

- A blind man

o Because they were in line with His purposes

There were others that didn’t go that way

- A legal pursuit

- Waiting for this guys Dad to die

o He just “I’m sorry that just isn’t what I’m here to do”

So you see Him prioritize. You see him putting certain things in His life in a rhythmic way.

Luke 5:16 tells us how we would often slip into the wilderness and pray.

So he would live life of solitude and prayer.

In Luke 4:16 it tells us that Every week He would go to the synagogue and read as was His custom. So if you wanted to see Jesus you could go to church every Saturday and see Him.

He had a rhythm.

Paul when he entered the cities, He would go to the synagogue first.

Proverbs 10:26

The idea is of when smoke gets in your eyes and you’re like “AH”

That’s the face people make when they’re around you and you don’t get done what you were asked for.

You’re like the smoke that people don’t like.

He doesn’t want us to get up early and go to bed late.

He doesn’t want to be frantic.

There’s a sense where we’re not panicked but we’re not lazy.

Eph. 2:10

- If you’re a Christian He has saved you and set you up for His good purpose to walk on…

Acts. 17. “God has determined an exact time and purpose to live in order to fulfill

Two Main Problems

  1. Pursuit
    1. Like a Nascar Driver Working on his free-throws
    2. For some of us. God has called here.
    3. Some of follow Christ, but it seems to always be a short term deal

i. Lord I want to pursue you “oh dude that ‘s hot girl”.. Sorry God

ii. Lord you have this thing for me to do “ICE CREAM”

iii. You want to pursue him You’re just easily distracted.

  1. Pace
    1. Some of us are too frantic.. you say yes to everybody.
    2. Can you do this? YES, yes, yes YES
    3. You have to study, but someone says “you want to go to a movie?” Yes I do.

i. Some of your paces are just too darn slow.

ii. You get up at the crack of two

iii. What was I supposed to do?... Well I just lay here.

- an octopus with roller skates. A lot of movement, but you’re not moving the right direction.

- Lion tamer… he’ll focus on those four points all at once so he just sits there instead of eating the chewy thing right in from of him.

Proverbs 14:4 When there are no oxen in the barn, the manger is clean. But much revenue comes from the strength of an OX.

What it’s saying is “If you get rid of all your Ox you’ll get a clean barn, because there are no Ox making a mess of the barn, but you also don’t get any work done.

But if you get an Ox you get some work done, but it’s gonna make some mess and you just gotta know that.

It’s the same with us, you can quit stuff all you want.

- Classes

- Sports

- Church

But then you’ve got nothing to show for it and the end of the year.

So you don’t quit everything, you want to stay active.. not super committed.

But for some of you want to stay out there and a part of the game. But I’m just gonna make a mess.. the manger’s gonna get dirty and we just have to know how to deal with that.

2 Things that will help

  1. We need to get a right perspective.
    1. We have to grasp who’s in charge and Everything is God’s

Psalm 24:1,2

You remember playing games outside when you were a kid?

Who makes the rules? The kid with the ball.

If he doesn’t like the game He just takes the ball and goes home.

So it’s His rules. Every time, every minute, every second, He owns it.

Paul said “Let men regard us as stewards of the mysteries of God.”

Steward is someone who takes care of something that has been entrusted to them from someone else. And will be held accountable.

A steward takes care of some else’s property and is supposed to handle it the way the owner wants.

Some of us have a problem with that, because we don’t like to not be in charge.

He’s not a bad boss.

1. Love Me

2. Love People

3. Use the Gifts I’ve given you

4. Enjoy It

Ok, so you just need a plan




Plan and organize enough to where you can say at the end of the week

You know the big things made it.

- loving God

- loving people

- honing my gifts

- caring about others

- enjoying life

Pause "Taking a Time Out"

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That night we talked about the importance of taking a "time out" in order to gain some perspective in how we want to conduct our lives.
The idea was to Pause, Check yourself, and move forward.

Here are some thoughts

Deuteronomy “give heed to yourself, take care of your soul diligently” Jesus said “be on guard so that your heart won’t be weighed down by anticipation, by drunkenness, or by the worries of life.

1 Timothy “Pay close attention to yourself”

So I just wanted to make tonight a moment where we could get some water, talk to the coach, and say “God I’ve got a new year in front of me, are there some things out there I need to adjust. Is there some baggage I’m carrying I need to grab loose of?”

David did that in the Psalm 139

- He started off thinking about God.

- He said “You know everything, you know my thoughts and my actions, you know when I sit down and when I get up. You know what I’m going to say before I say them, you know my thoughts from far off, you know what I’m thinking, everything I’m doing, everything I’m saying, you’ve got a grip on it.”

Then he moves onto His omnipresence. “In fact there isn’t anywhere I could go, you’d know. You’ve got that kind of intel on me.

And David gets real creative he says. “I could go to heaven, you’d be there”

I could get on a boat and go to the farthest part of the sees and you’d be there.

I could go anywhere… you’re there.

And you know everything about me.

Man I could try to hide in the darkness and you’d see me.

Darkness is as light to you.

The depths of the deepest pit, and you’d see me.

I could go into the deepest depths of depression and you’d know where I’m at.

Because darkness is just like light to you.

In fact, when I was a fetus. When I had know concept of myself you knew me already.

No feet, no ears, no toes, no nose, you knew me.

I don’t know if anyone has pre-birth memories

I had no memories and you remembered me.

You know me

And then he turns to others

You see the evil of others.

Then he turns to himself.

You see me and you see them?

Search me, try me, know me see if there’s anything that displeases you in me and get it out of me and then guide me in everlasting life.

Pull me over on the side of the road and check me out. Check my map.

And if there’s anything you want to see in me this year. See me, try me, know me, guide me, and then I’ll go on in your light.

It’s beautiful what he does. See me, know me, try me, test me, and guide me.

This is intimate knowledge that’s meant to drive me into action.

David doesn’t “see me so God can be informed. “

Like “Oh David I didn’t see you there.”

David is saying, “Ok God, involve me in the process.”

David’s pull over is a guided and participate event.

  1. God is there anything I’m anxious about, that I need to trust you in? As I contemplate my future is there anything stressing me out?
    1. 1 Peter tells me to cast my cares on you, because you care about me.
    2. If some anxieties come to mind, I invite you to cast them onto God
  2. Father, is there a hurtful way in me, that I need to confess?
    1. Am I participating in a way of thinking or acting that hurts you, other people, or myself?

i. Will you show me?

    1. If you get a sense of this, confess it.

i. That doesn’t mean saying you’re sorry… it’s saying “God I see this, and it’s wrong.”

Jonathan Edwards wrote a kind of an article called “Christian Cautions: The Importance of Self-Examination.

And I want to ask you some questions from it.

His First part is about your Secret Life.

So think about the parts of the day where nobody sees you.

  1. Are you attending to the secret duties of the believer?
    1. In a secret place are you reading the word of God or is that something you’ve let fall by the wayside?
  2. Secret Sins: God in my secret place, am I cherishing something you hate?
    1. Am I indulging in something that’s against the law?
    2. Or am I using something good in a bad way when I’m on my own?

i. Ask for help if you are.

  1. Concerning people: Are you extra annoyed by somebody? Am I impatient with somebody in my schedule? Are you quick to fire off at a person or a group of people that are just doing something clearly stupid?
    1. Do you need to confess impatience?
  2. Is there someone that you hate for real or imagined injuries to you?
  3. Is there someone that you envy? That you hate their success and that you wish ill on them?
    1. If you heard about something bad happening to them, does that make you happy?

i. That’s not good. You need to confess that.

  1. Lord, is there any group of people I need to get away from?
    1. Psalm 1 says “1 Blessed is the man
      who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
      or stand in the way of sinners
      or sit in the seat of mockers.
    2. Proverbs 13 says, “a companion of fools will be destroyed.”

i. Are you hanging out with some monkeys? Some bad people

ii. Are there some people that Lord love em they need Jesus, but you’re just not the one to bring them to Him. And it’s just killing you?

iii. Is there a group of people you need to move away from? Then pray for the strength to do that.

  1. Is there Somebody you need to move toward? Somebody that God has put in your way to minister to them and you just haven’t done it? Bring them forward and pray for the grace to do so.

  1. Is there something good He’s calling you to do?
    1. You’ve got 9 months. There’s a lot of needs. Is He moving you to lead a Bible study? To work in a nursery… I’m thinking of children not plants, talk to some friends about hope, to work in Pioneer clubs.
    2. To say something encourage somebody.
    3. To confront somebody on their sin? Leviticus says “Don’t hate your fellow countrymen, but reprove him when he’s in sin.” It’s mean to not help someone when they’re sinning. Is there someone you need to help? Is there a good you can do?

We ended the night in prayer.


Tonight we welcomed the folks from Stony Creek's Youth Ministry "The Edge."
We had an awesome time of worship where you could the group singing from every room in the church. It was great piece of encouragement for our teens.

It's hard to know exactly how to sum up the sermon notes so I've decided to post all of my notes here. You should be able to piece together what happened.

The basic idea however, is how we're all called to be priests or pastors. But instead we usually treat life like we're called to have a job. The application is to look at our lives and move according to our calling not just our education or our careers.

Here are the notes.
(origins from Rob Bell)


We want to talk about who we really are as human beings at the deepest levels.

Mark 2:23-26

Haven’t you guys read the Bible?

Haven’t you read the stories about David?

And the stories about David were the stories.

They were hungry and they broke the religious rules…

Who were his Companions?

They were known for some specific things

They weren’t called just companions… they were called “mighty men”

1 Chronicles 11:10 - 14

Get a good name don’t just be Gary from Tulsa.





This Chronicler is telling this story in kind of an epic rhythm

So when it says “David and his companions” to a good Jewish disciple.. Jesus’ disciples are like “those are the mighty guys” that’s the guy who went down into a pit on a snowy day…

Cause when I kill lions on a snowy day.. much harder. ;)

Back to Jesus

Like eating grape nuts without milk

Dude… you’re so busted when you get home.

But Jesus says “are you still sticking with your own old interpretation of the torah?”

So Jesus relates himself in the story to the what figure? David

Which means he’s likening his disciples to who? The mighty men

So these pre-pubescent boys are hearing this are like

“yeeeah, I could take out a lion if I had to”

So if you’re one of His disciples how empowering would that be?

John 14

Be careful if you follow Jesus, because He has a rather high view of humanity, Jesus believes that people are capable of greatness.

- talks about when he is going to ascend to the father


So you have to understand that you’re seeing this and your kind of amazed with these signs “my followers are not only going to do these things, but my followers will do things far greater than anything you are seeing me do.”

Be very very careful if you follow this Jesus, because he will pull out of you the simple truth that he has faith in people. Jesus believes his disciples are capable of greatness.

Exodus 19

The Ten Commandments are meant to save the whole world.

They are essentially a relationship agreement.

This is God saying

- “This is how you’re going to live in harmony with each other.

- God is looking for a group of people who will be God, be the presence of God, be the hands and feet, be the incarnation of the divine to the world. To bring about the healing and caring of the world.

And God says he’s about to give this covenant, this relationship to them


a priest simply shows the divine, a holy nation (meaning set apart). Your task is to show the world God

- by your actions

- by your speech

- by the way you live and move

God says “I’ve chosen you to show the world, to save the world, you’re the instrument through which I want to do this.”

So the commandments are… ok here’s how we’re going to do this.


This is the calling of humanity, to show the world God,

And when God calls them to the task, believing that they’re up to it….

But the people remained at a distance.

I would argue that this is talking about geography, but that it also works as a metaphor as well.

That we have been called to a divine task

That there’s something within us that tells us to stand at a distance.

- God you don’t know what I’ve done

- You don’t know who I’ve been with

- I don’t have the skills that that person has

- I didn’t grow up religious so I’m just kind of clueless to all of this

And with all the ways that we have been called there is something bent within our sin condition that even though we are called to be priests or “God showers” to the world, we don’t move.

Ephesians 4

Moses questioned just like we do “who am I” but the first Christians are constantly calling people back to the divine saying “come back come back”


The purpose of those leaders v. 12

Is to equip his people….

That’s some seriously big words, but here’s the idea

“that church would be the kind of gathering and the kind of people that when you are with them or that when you observe them, or you in some way ended up working with them, you would say ‘I saw Jesus’ that’s what Jesus is like.

I can tell you what Jesus is like because I have seen His body at work”.

That’s the whole measure of Christ part.

The leaders are to equip his people (the word people is “saints” or haugious in greek) for works of service (the word there is diakuhnoid… its where we get the word ministry or to minister).

The only reason a church has ministers is to equip and prepare the people (that’s us) to do ministry.

we believe that everybody is a minister.

We believe that if ministers aren’t equipping and pulling out of people their sacred calling than the leadership has failed.

So this scripture raises the bar on what it is to be a Christian, but it also raises the bar for a leader.

Every leader is to

- equip

- empower

- and let loose the body to be ministers

The scriptures take this much much further, because they insist that every believer is a minister

1 Peter 2

When you do communion is it done with a priest standing with a priest, or are you serving it to each other?

- We actually believe that the body and blood can be handled by every day people.

- That means that you are theologically no different that any other priest in full garb.

- That every one of us has a priest hidden inside of us that God wants to evoke so that you can bring the divine into the world.

There are so many great organizations out there that work in

- urban renewal

- the HIV/aids pandemic

- the homeless cause

- the make poverty history campaign

- the one campaign

lots and lots of great organizations, and they do very specific experts who work for them.

And very often what happens is that the church ends up writing checks to fund these agencies.

We bless these organizations and we love them, but why do they exist?

I would argue that the only reason these agencies exist is because the church didn’t do the job that Jesus gave the church to do

Let’s play the word association game

1. Seminary Student

a. Cause you immediately radical revolutionary

2. Church budget meeting

a. Oh hold me down

3. Church membership

a. Just revolution just washes over me

No, you’re bored out of your mind.

And I would argue for many people they say “if you want to change the world go join one of these agencies.”

(Urban renewal program)

“can the church be converted to help the great cause of our day”

“No, churches are all about themselves”

They might write a check now and then…

My question “why do the agencies get to have all the fun”

I don’t want to miss out

Why would we write checks to do when we have people sitting right here who can do amazing things right now.

Can we pull out the passions and abilities within the people sitting right here to do something about it?

What if church budget meetings became “oh I am there, if we can pull a little bit of money from over here we can save 10 more lives.”

What if the church could be converted to Jesus?

If you had a couple of thousand priests like that in one place, the earth would tremble from its weight.

That’s why I take issue with the word missionary.

Why do some people get to be missionaries and others don’t?

Aren’t we all missionaries?

I thought it was the priesthood of all believers.

What if there were a church that committed to something bigger than its own goods and services

What if you saw the way they treated each other that you said “That’s what Jesus had in mind”

What if there was such an overwhelming movement of good to where “I could say a lot of things, but that’s Jesus”

What if every person in this room had a friend who was poor?

What if in year from now when I say poor you had a name and face?

It would change everything.

What if when we said poverty, every person in this room had a name and face?

Well you wouldn’t let that person drown. It would change everything.

A couple hundred priests not standing at a distance, this area would tremble.