Friday, August 10, 2007

Big Picture God

(original outline by Louie Giglio)

Last Night we looked at the story of Joseph. Pastor Tom also showed a picture made up of some of the ugliest colors. Later he showed us how those ugly colors were just a piece of a beautiful painting and how God sometimes only shows us one piece of the painting where He can see the whole work of art that He is working on. Here are some of the key themes would pulled from the story.
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(the small piece)

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(the whole picture)

Hope and faith foster faithfulness

"We walk by faith and not by sight and we consider our present affliction light in comparison to the eternal glory that God is working." - Paul

1. I believe somehow you’re going to use this to bring glory to your name.

2. I believe you’re committed to me and my well being, it’s a dungeon it’s a pit, but I believe your with me.

3. God I believe you’re redeeming. Is there anybody in this picture that wants to know Jesus? Is there anybody in this picture who couldn’t know the Gospel unless I was in there with them?

What my employer meant for evil, God meant for good

What my ex meant to hurt me with, God meant for good

What my parents meant for evil, God intended for Good.
Because God works together everything for the good of those who love Him.

Small Picture World, Big Picture God.

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