Thursday, May 31, 2007

Evolution – “Big Earth…Small Me”

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Evolution – “Big Earth…Small Me”

Somewhere around - 6,590,885,858 live in the world

250000 are born everyday

8.78 deaths per 1,000 people a year. According to our nifty desktop calculator, that works out to roughly 56,597,034 people leaving us every year. That's about a 155,000 a day.

How is it possible that humanity doesn’t overlap? i.e. how can uniqueness exist?

It’s hard to imagine with those kinds of numbers that there are that many unique people out there. How can it be possible for uniqueness to happen on so many people are being born and dying? How can Christians claim that no one have overlapped or been identical with someone else.

The theory of random chance says that the paths or life journeys of billions of people. But to be honest that’s our [Christian’s] world view, that there isn’t anything random out there. We see that there’s purpose and intent that comes from an influence, that of good (justice, peace, community, awe ness) and that of evil (apathy, laziness, malicious motivation).

Henry Ford ruined us…

We see that anything that happens on a mass scale before our eyes is simply a mass production. Sure not ever tire has the exact same amount of air in it, but eventually you could probably find two tire with same amount of air in it to the smallest percentile.

But humanity is different, the earth is different, and it is easily different, because we have never created anything out of nothing, we have never created anything using a fresh idea that is as complex as anything that exists in creation.

That’s because we compare the things that surround us with the things that we create.

I dare you to show me something man made that is more complex in its overall existence and I will show you something that is growing me back yard that is bountifully more impressive and complex.

Show me a massive sky scraper that was built by man, , runs on electricity from a nuclear power pant that is destroying the ozone, and I’ll show you the grass in my backyard that provides nourishment to the trees in my neighborhood, and I’ll tell you how it operates on water that helps the environment, and how I could set it on fire and it would still grow back.

Yet if your sky scraper was burned down, it would never exist again. It would simply be replaced.

Show me the biggest bomb, and I’ll show you a small star called the sun and how it’s producing something around 62 million of your bombs every second.

Progress will never keep up with creation, so stop trying to lesson your value as the most significant creation. And your significance is shown in your beauty and your beauty comes from your uniqueness and your uniqueness comes from your shape.

But your worth comes from something completely different. Imagine just for the sake of argument, that everything that exists outside of the creation of man wasn’t placed where it is by random chance. What if it was placed into creation like notes on page that seems so unwieldy that you can barely comprehend it’s complexity but when you listen to it instead of trying to play it, or when you simply enjoy it instead of trying to pick apart the origin of every sound being made, that you could see a kind of “thought” behind.

And what if whoever or whatever “thought” of that kind of complex symphony had also thought of you. And not only thinks you special, but loves you and thinks that you’re the kind of thing that it would die for.

What would that mean to you?

What it means is exactly why so many Christians have given their lives away for something greater. It’s because they hear the heart of the composer in the melody that surrounds them.

There’s a lot more, but here are some of the pieces that pull all of together in a similar way, but also show us our uniqueness.

S.H.A.P.E. Profile

Spiritual gifts - God gives us special endowments for the building up of the body.

Heart - God uses our natural passions and desires to direct us toward places he wants to use us.

Abilities - Natural talents are resources God wants to use for eternal purposes.

Personality - Our psychological wiring is good, God-given, and important to him.

Experiences - God uses our past...even our past hurts and ministry tools.

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