Thursday, May 31, 2007

Evolution Week One - "Something Went Wrong"

Evolution Week One - "Something Went Wrong"

Things started out ok…

1. you were born

2. parents weren’t perfect

3. elementary school

a. boys and girls

4. junior high

5. high school (awkward like being in the middle seat of a pick up truck, DON’T GO INTO 4th GEAR<>

6. college

You have to Marry the love of your life our all of your life will be horrible!

Then there’s the “Life is about having fun…”

So if that’s true, then your sad days feel so wrong that you don’t want to live anymore, because life is about the happy, and if I’m not happy then I shouldn’t be living.

Suicide is still happening...why?

If Evolution as Darwin describes is true, i.e. “The growth or maturation of any stronger living species” is true, then why is humanity killing itself?

You ask me “if God is love, then why is there evil”, but at the same time I could ask you ,if Evolution is true, then why is there still pain, why haven’t we managed to evolve beyond pain, out of a need for survival.”

But war, disease, suicide, and hate are going nowhere fast. If evolution is true, why haven’t we evolved to a place where survival kicks in and we realize that we need each other more than we need money, power, drugs, alcohol, and other stuff.

In fact, all tales of tribal man tell us that at one point in existence we all really were on the same team. Too bad, that didn’t last.

Now we have depression, homework (go on and on)

Ebay, home shopping , facebook, google….

But what if Darwin had it all wrong?

What if we were born to evolve into something ever so much more than common men and women?

What if the creation of us was supposed to really matter more than just who are by ourselves?

What if we weren’t born to have jobs, go to school, have a career, make babies, be grand parents, have careers, and die?

Maybe there’s something hidden inside of us waiting to be explored and teach what humanity is.

And maybe, just maybe there is hope for humanity and comes from something bigger than we can control.

Maybe Humanity is waiting for something to happen. And maybe that something is you.

What does it take to keep a rain forest alive?

Plant life, insects, air, rain.

Take any one of these away and the forest dies. And if the forest dies, then most likely we’ll die.

Pitcher Plant

A plant that draws insects in using necter, but it's outer ridge is too waxy for insects to stand on, so they fall into the bowl of the plant.

From there, something called a "crab spider" goes into the plant using a silk lifeline, and devours part of the bug that fell in, but leaves just enough to keep the pitcher plant alive.

Without this plant, the rain forest wouldn't survive at the same rate of success.

It takes a special plant, that stays alive different from any other plant.

It’s unique, and it’s uniqueness is part of why its beautiful.

We could name hundreds of people who’ve made an impact on our world.

Hundreds of heroes.

But sometimes its hard to see ourselves as heroes.

We don’t always feel special.

But there is someone out there who does.

And that someone started it all.

(go to to the video that we showed here)

- The problem with self-help

Stool Analogy

Can’t fix itself analogy (use the stool)

It doesn’t know how to make itself better because it’s incapable.

It doesn’t have the power to figure something out as big how it was created.

We say, well duh, it’s a stool. It doesn’t have a brain.

But we do have a brain don’t we.

We can upgrade this stool if wanted to couldn’t we?

We can because we have a higher power than this creation does.

But what if the stool had a little bit of a brain?

And what if it chooses one of two things.

1. It decides it doesn’t want your help

2. It decides that you don’t exist.

a. How would you feel?

b. Why would it believe in you? It only understands itself and since you don’t act like a stool.

You would call the stool foolish… (and I’d call you crazy for talking to the thing)… stool talker

You see the thing will never become any different.. and if it was broken, it would never be able to fix itself. It would take you or me… the higher power to take it there.

(you can talk about how they’re dynamic and unique here)

2000 years ago, one man started talking and something was familiar about Him.

His stories connected with us and made sense.

You probably here this and you go “oh dude here comes the Jesus speech”, but here me out.

What was there about one man that has caused such an up roar.

It’s because Jesus said we were all special.

He told us to love the people who hated us.

He showed us how to see this world.

And He showed us purpose.

And here’s what he told us about our purpose.

It’s not about you.

It’s about a connection. And that connection has a name.

His Name is Jesus.

(next week… big earth, small me)

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